Legend Rank

Legend Rank


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  • Show your support helping fund the community!

  • Access to all Elite benefits!

  • Get the Legend Title!
    Title will show on Tab List, and also be available as a /simpleprefix

  • Access to / craft command
    Craft anywhere without a table!

  • Ability to craft and place Invisible Item Frames

  • Access to Basic Professions Prefix Title Package 
    Apothecary, Architect, Archivist, Archeologist, Bandit, Banker, Colonist, Merchant, Shopkeep, Specialist, and Trader

  • 200 CivTokens a Month! (Coming Soon)
    CivTokens can be spent in special auctions or to purchase things such as custom titles, or weapon skins.

  • Access to Creative Build Plot World (Coming Soon)
    Plan your builds, use litematica to make a schematic to use as a guide in Runa, or build an epic pixel art gallery. Let your imagination run free without having to leave the server.

  • Legend  rank in Discord
    Get the Legend rank in Discord!

  • Access to /emote command
    Allows you to RP Emote your actions. /emote sits by the pond and sighs - Would show up in chat for anyone within 30 blocks as: YourName sits by the pond and sighs. In a special text and color.

  • Access to /femote command 
    Allows you to RP Emote your actions in a more specialized way  /emote Sitting by the pond, Pick sighs.   -  Would show up in chat for anyone within 30 blocks as: Sitting by the pond, Pick sighs. - This allows you to move your name anywhere in the emote string.